
Sat Morning
Mixed Adult Class.
Two hour session with a good dose of technique and exercise.
These classes are suitable for all levels and may be Gi, or No-Gi.
Check our Facebook Messenger chat group for weekly details

Adult Fundamentals
This is the place to start or refresh yourself of the core basics. This is our beginner program.
15mins warm up
1 x standing or self defence technique
2 x ground techniques.
Everyone has had a first day, so just go at your own pace. We have all been there!!!

Adult Mixed Levels
For experienced players.
All levels welcome, but the focus is on more advanced techniques/ submissions.

Adult No-Gi
Mixed Levels
Variety of techniques with a focus of submissions that match the various competition franchises.
Usually includes some rolling or positional challenges.

9yrs and older
Warm up, technique and some challenges. These classes have more technical detail than our younger kids classes, but still plenty of fun, and the occasional game.

Mini Champs
Mini-Champs (Kids 5-8yrs)
Warm up, technique, challenges and games.
These classes are great exercise, and heaps of fun.

Open Mats
Kids @ 5pm 3 min rounds of rolling.
Adults @ 6pm 5 min rounds of rolling.
We have a coach on hand, so also a great session to drill technique or ask any questions.

Private classes
Private session up to two people. Great if you want to upskill, or cannot get to public classes.

Sunday Think Tank
90mins duration
Competition preparation
Curriculum revision
Help with something you are stuck on
Work on your own super technique
Includes 30mins rolling or longer